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Re: Trim switch ergonomics

Subject: Re: Trim switch ergonomics
From: Europa Aviation Ltd <>
Date: Wed, 2 Oct 1996 12:21:13
Graham Clarke wrote:-
>There are eight extreme position combinations for the three elements of 
>trim-tab,indicator and switch, thus four ways of setting up the system. 
>The Europa manuals show- trim-tab UP, indicator UP, toggle  switch UP, 
>(and the reverse)  which at first sight all seems lcgical. Those of us 
>used to wheel trimming, have for years been pushing the top of the wheel 
>forward for nose down and the indicator follows in the same direction, 
>but in the Europa this would be reversed. A trim wheel in effect rotates 
>as if directly coupled to the pitch motion. This accords with the 
>direction of movement of the yoke/stick.  It would be natural, 
>particularly if mounted on the tunnel to push the front/top of the switch 
>for nosedown as if it were a wheel.
>It is perhaps less obvious if the switch is on the facia, but wheels are 
>often in such a position, again requiring the top of the wheel to be 
>"pushed" for nose down. 
>I hope Europa/PFA let me reverse the switch action or I shall always be 
>using the wrong end. I have not had an answer yet.
>Graham 2

We agree that the sense of the trim operation should be as you describe.

To state the operation formally:-

To trim the aircraft nose up (tab moves down), press the bottom of the 
rocker switch, and the indicator moves up.

This is already correctly stated in the Final Inspection Checklist which I 
believe you already have Graham - the Builders Manual and Owners Manual will 
be changed at the next revision.

I cannot trace having received this question from you before, which is why 
you have not previously had an answer!


Roger Bull

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