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Re: Europa-List: XS Fuel Tank

Subject: Re: Europa-List: XS Fuel Tank
From: <>
Date: Mon, 11 Nov 2013 19:55:31
Hello Bill,

I'm a bit late getting back on this one but as others have said, I built 
a tank out of 5251 quarter-hard magnesium alloy.
It weighs 7850 grams and has a capacity of 110 litres.
I incorporated internal baffles, and breathers with proper AN fittings 
to accommodate alloy pipework. It is also fitted with a full length 
capacitive probe and four solid-state optical fuel level sensors.

The only advice I would offer is: allow yourself a long time to make and perfect
your cardboard templates - the fuselage is partly conical in section so the
development will be an interesting shape. Choose a welder based on his ability
to weld alloy and don't fall into the trap I did of restricting yourself to a
CAA approved welder whose self-belief exceeded his ability!


On 08/11/2013 21:37, bill wrote:
> After 1100hrs I have suffered a failed fuel tank on my XS Mono. Not 
> sure exactly where the fault is other than it is high up on the tank. 
> Will know more when I get it out.
> My question to the forum is, has anyone tried fabricating a metal 
> (aluminium) tank rather than using the Polyethylene plastic one as 
> supplied with the kit. If so, were you able to obtain the same volume 
> and any other advice you may be able to offer.
> Many thanks
> XS Mono
> Kit 456
> 914 and Airmaster
> 1100hrs
> Sue and Bill Sisley

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