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Europa-List: Re: Mod 73

Subject: Europa-List: Re: Mod 73
From: Alan Carter <>
Date: Mon, 15 Oct 2012 12:10:18

Hello Bud,Bob, and All.
Bud, Bob, you are real gentlemen, many thanks, I have enough information on 
now i must decide which way to go.
Here in the UK i think the Mods have to be approved by the LAA, so even if you
wanted to do them you would have to get LAA approval.
New Pins, and or Clamps are approved.
My idea would be a solid insert with a hole for a bolt, 4 of these would be 
this insert placed inside the tube with the holes aligned with the hole
in the tube, a bolt with radial washer plates on each side, the whole lot bolted
up, the inserts keeping the tube in shape and making a compression fit, very
simple , and no movement. 
Even B and Q could do this.
I think someone has already put this idea forward, and the only problem 
was the tight fit,(which it good),but would be difficult to break if you wanted
to remove it.This would be a very rare event, and it may be a bit difficult,but
could be done, and i am sure some one would come up with a good way of
breaking the fit to removing it if needed.
However its also been suggested that this would take a couple of years to get 

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