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Re: Europa-List: Re: JABIRU etc. Keep your ear to the ground.

Subject: Re: Europa-List: Re: JABIRU etc. Keep your ear to the ground.
From: Jeffrey Roberts <>
Date: Mon, 18 Apr 2011 21:14:36
Yes indeed it was the MR. Bush. In my opinion he was the worst until 
this one but in a somewhat different way. This one is really good at 
saying one thing then doing something else. Some seem to defend todays 
leadership by comparing it as better than Bush. They both have placed us 
on a collision course to what happened in Greece. Only this President 
seems to be speeding up the process. 

Oh and Fred you have my apologizes. I was truly not trying to offend. I 
indeed should have said I and not we or us. I'm just really ticked off 
at whats happened in the last 10 years here. My only son is in the 
mountains of Afghanistan in the middle of a one year Army deployment. 
Needless to say we are very proud of him but scared to death. When I 
turn on the morning news I hear more about the royal wedding than what 
our young people are trying to accomplish and the sacrifices they and 
their families are making.  I wonder if we would be trying to fight a 
polite political war if the idiots in Washington had their own sons 
fighting on the ground. Hell these poor soldiers can't even engage the 
enemy without pre approval. Needless to say politics are not one of my 
favorite subjects right now. 
I will ask anyone that will, to take a few minutes and say a prayer for 
our soldiers. 

I'm going to quit now as this forum needs to get back to solutions for 
the builder & flyers of our great Europa... which BTW I'm having a few 
but that can wait.

Jeff N128LJ Gold Rush

On Apr 18, 2011, at 5:53 PM, GRAHAM SINGLETON wrote:

> Jeff
> wasn't it the ShruB created the biggest deficit in history and started 
all this QE,  ? 
> Graham
> From: Fred Klein <>
> To:
> Sent: Monday, 18 April, 2011 19:22:05
> Subject: Re: Europa-List: Re: JABIRU etc. Keep your ear to the ground.
> On Apr 18, 2011, at 10:37 AM, Jeffrey Roberts wrote:
> > We are all getting rather tired of the few wanna tax & spend liberal 
hollywood types getting into our pockets and running this country into 
the ground.
>     I'm always fascinated when someone takes it upon himself to speak 
on behalf of "all" of reveals to me just a hint of the 
pitfalls we can land in when we go off-Europa-topic.
> F href=""; 
target="_blank">p;                 -Matt Dralle, Libution" =====

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