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Re: Europa-List: Monowheel Brake Adjustment

Subject: Re: Europa-List: Monowheel Brake Adjustment
From: Jim Brown <acrojim7534@YAHOO.COM>
Date: Sun, 3 Apr 2011 16:18:25
Martin,- Just tighten the bolts as you would normally do... The pad will 
simply =0Apush the cylinders back in the brake housing... Then when you use
 the brake =0Alever the cylinders will move against the brake pads and stop
 the plane. when =0Ayou release the brake lever there will be no pressure o
n the brake linings, and =0Athe plane can move...=0A=0AJim Brown--=0A
=0A=0A=0A=0A________________________________=0AFrom: Martin Tuck <MJKTuck@c>=0ATo: Europa Builders Forum <>=0ASent: Sun,
 April 3, 2011 3:01:31 PM=0ASubject: Europa-List: Monowheel Brake Adjustmen
=0AHi Folks,=0A=0AI've just replaced the brake pads on my Europa. They seem
 very thick - compared =0Ato the worn ones which were almost down to the ri
vet heads!=0A=0AI'm sure it will all go back together OK but I have a suspi
cion that they might =0Awell up clamping themselves to the brake disc when 
I tighten the bolts. Can you =0Aadjust the gap between the pads such they d
on't bind maybe with a couple of =0Awashers as shims?=0A=0AAnyone else find
 their pads bind? As I say I haven't actually put them back on =0Ayet and t
hey might be alright - I just want to make sure I have my bases covered =0A
before I head over to the hangar later this week.=0A=0ARegards,=0AMartin=0A

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