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Europa-List: Re: Fuel flow meter

Subject: Europa-List: Re: Fuel flow meter
From: John & Paddy Wigney <>
Date: Tue, 4 Aug 2009 15:57:40

Hi Karl,

Richard's description is correct. I have had a successful installation 
with this arrangement of a single flowmeter since 2002. My flowmeter is 
the fuel flow option for a Grand Rapids EIS display. Very accurate - 
usually within 0.1 gal. when I top up. I found that it is important to 
have a flow damper. If you do not have this, your indicated  flow rate 
may be erratic and you will have poor accuracy. Matronics sells a damper 
for $47.00 - see

Cheers, John

N262WF, mono XS, 912S
Mooresville, North Carolina

From: R Holder <>

Subject: Re: Europa-List: FS450 calibration
Karl Heindl wrote:

>  you are right of course, but i have been led to believe
> > that the other solution works okay also and gives
> > accurate readings by changing this k-factor. maybe if i
> > change to gallons, but i have no interest in gallons. i
> > just won't use it for a while.
There is a solution using one transponder.
Re-arrange things so that the fuel comes out of the
mechanical fuel pump, to a high point from where the
return feed to the tank is taken, then put in the
transponder and then split the line to each of the carbs.
The tank return must be the highest point in the whole
fuel system.
Ergo. One transponder measuring exactly the fuel flow INTO
the carbs.
I know this can be done as it is how the factory built
Sport Cruiser is set up. I have seen under the cowling of
their demonstrator !
I failed to take a photo but I assure you that was how it
was set up. (Don't ask me how I got to see under the hood
on a SC !)
The transponder requirement is 100mm straight line hose
before it and 50mm after it so a total (including the
transponder) of around 225 mm. Easily found !
G-OWWW no fuel flow !

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