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Europa-List: A question on composits

Subject: Europa-List: A question on composits
From: Rman <>
Date: Wed, 2 Jul 2008 19:38:40

Fellow Europaphiles,

As some of you know, after seeing a modified Europa cowl at Sun'n'fun, I 
decided to take on the job of redesigning my cowl, to see what I could 
gain.  I've successfully made a mold from my current cowl, and want to 
make a new cowl.  One that I can cut up and modify.  My question is, 
what is the best cloth and resin to use to build the cowl?  Any ideas on 
what is used in the stock Europa cowl and how many layers of cloth are 
used?  I considering having a new exhaust system designed and built to 
save space and weight.  I will probably be moving the coolers to 
accommodate the new exhaust.  I've just got this nagging idea, in my 
head that a well designed cowl will improve cooling, air speed, weight 
and appearance.  Am I wrong?:  :)

Jeff - Baby Blue - Looking at getting a nose job... ;)

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