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Europa-List: RE: Longer pip pins

Subject: Europa-List: RE: Longer pip pins
From: R.C.Harrison <>
Date: Fri, 20 Jul 2007 12:44:20
Hi! Richard/all
I will not require any longer pip pins than the 1.75" ones I have as
original equipment.
IMHO there can be no valid reason to need longer ones so long as the new
pip pin hole/flox only diameter is slightly larger to accommodate the
expanding balls. (or am I missing something?
I just tried mine after hand drilling the hole through with a light
behind the upper surface hole. 
Of course originally I thought "hell I really do need longer pins" THEN
ON CLOSER EXAMINATION I found that back in my distant memory the pins
are originally supplied with a "nuisance" secondary ring round the head
of the pin.....which most folks that I have seen have removed for our
applications because in the tight pip pin access hole it is a nuisance.
So when testing for the security of the pins after fitting only pull the
actual head or push the pin from the underside, so long as the balls are
expanded the pin is secure.
As an aside my pins are encompassed by a screw cap partly filled to a
predetermined depth which would act as  secondary security anyway.
The bottom of the pip pin access hole is filled with a flox mix to a
depth nearly equivalent to the length of the pip pin head so in the
event of "tail plane attempting to migrate" the pip pin head would
restrain any lateral movement.
My bushes were totally secure with only hacksaw abrasion for the bonding
of the TP6 bushes. I'm sorry we are having to remove that original bond
with mod 73 since to cut into the bond even from only one side stops the
original bond on the opposite side of the torque tube being "clamped" as
one construction.
I will add my reg. to the list when final close out is complete and
Bob Harrison G-PTAG (Phase one Mod 73 complete and inspected. 914 first
run up completed but with oil pressure sensor "hot wired" and one mag
kill switch not working and "suggested" factory assembly residual oil
being expelled though the muffler on backing off the throttle? ) 

-----Original Message-----
From: Richard Holder [] 
Sent: 19 July 2007 13:55
Subject: Longer pip pins

Hi all

I have ordered these pip pins. I have been promised that I
will get them next Thursday - we will see !

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