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Europa-List: Re: Safety Data

Subject: Europa-List: Re: Safety Data
From: europa flugzeug fabrik <>
Date: Mon, 2 Jul 2007 18:58:52

Excuse me, but raw data re Europa accidents is freely available from (vastly most of the cases) and 
from -- both using query re Europa.

Jeesh, we can competently build an airplane much more than a Pietenpol, post to
the net re safety issues, but cannot do the simple "internets" 
thing? :-) 

Seriously, all the raw data is there.  Very interesting, and mostly reassuring
IMV, for this A/C type in hands of diligent builders/flyers.

For those wondering about my pluralization of "internets," this refers to a 
by our aging, U.S. Senator Ted Stevens of Alaska trying to expound on his 
if this technology.  So much so, Keith Olberman on MSNBC here constantly
and similarly refers to the net as plural. :-)  Our Senate is leastwise one-up
on the House of Lords, who would never once so mis-use our non-native tongue!

Fred F.

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