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Europa-List: Re: Woodcomp propeller controls

Subject: Europa-List: Re: Woodcomp propeller controls
From: Mark Burton <>
Date: Thu, 7 Jun 2007 02:57:29

Even though I manufacturer the Smart Avionics CS controller, I hope my opinion
is not completely biased and is of some use to this discussion.

I now have experience of both the Arplast PV50 and the Woodcomp SR3000/3 
version with scimitar blades). A long time ago I also used a Warp Drive
fixed pitch prop of which I remember little except it was  much harsher than the
Arplast EcoProp which replaced it for a short while before I fitted the PV50.

I basically agree with William's comments that the Arplast has super blades from
the aerodynamic point of view but the hub+motor are not so good. Even after
years of problems, I believe the factory is still supplying the 6V motor as it's
the only way they can achieve sufficient torque to coarsen the prop under heavy
load. Incidently, I believe you can reduce the likelyhood of the motor frying
by connecting a 2ohm power resistor into the wire that supplies the power
to the pitch motor. The Arplast supplied control box used to be crap but it 
be better now (if you use a CSC-1/P you don't need their box anyway).

The only issue I had with the blades is that they have zero leading edge 
and so getting chewed to bits if your airfield is stony. Even with leading
edge tape fitted, a large stone would take out big chunks of gelcoat  and cause

Once balanced, the Arplast is a very nice smooth prop.

The quality of the Woodcomp SR3000 is mostly very good. My blades have the 
finish and look fantastic. The leading edge protect is extremely good.  The
hub looks adequate and the motor substantial. I don't have that many hours with
it yet to say how reliable it is. The wiring between the slip rings, limit
switches, motor, etc. looks a bit untidy but not really a problem. Again, the
factory electronics does not have a good record for reliability so a lot of 
are now ditching the Woodcomp stuff and fitting my controller instead.

Performance wise, it is similar to the PV50 except that the static thrust 
somewhat greater and so provides excellent acceleration - I would think a good
prop for short strips. Again, once balanced, the prop is nice and smooth.

My aircraft is slow because it is a tri-gear with no spats and a small engine so
I can't really say how either prop performs speed wise.

To summarise, the PV50 and the SR3000 are both very good value and provide good
performance. In terms of overall quality of engineering, the Woodcomp wins.

Best of all, both of these props can be controlled by the Smart Avionics CSC 
This controller can also handle the feathering on the SR3000.

I have flown in aircraft fitted with the Airmaster prop and it works OK but I 
think the Warp Drive blades are terribly harsh and the Airmaster controller
is poor value for money and lacking in capability.


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