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Europa-List: Trigear 912S Performance Figures

Subject: Europa-List: Trigear 912S Performance Figures
From: Brian and Pat Tarmar <>
Date: Sat, 10 Feb 2007 10:08:16

Many thanks for your Warpdrive figures.  We have never coarsened ours 
---From the recommended Europa starting point of 19 degrees because the 
take-off performance from short grass strips was already, in my view, 
not great.  At this pitch setting the max static was 5220 rpm and max 
level flight speed 134 kias but with throttle retarded to maintain 5800 
rpm. Our cruising speed at 4800 was 109-113kias, the better figures 
gained when the c of g was rearwards with luggage (usually 2 folding 
bikes), and fuel burn fairly solid at 15 litres per hour.  We did a 
series of climbs from 1000 to 2000 feet, in very similar conditions and 
weight to you and found that best climbing speed for height was 80 kias 
(1 minute 2 seconds, as opposed to 1.05 at 75 kias and 1.13 at 70 kias). 
 Interestingly, neither the Warpdrive or the Woodcomp Varia seem to 
"unload" from static, the Woodcomp giving us 5740 rpm throughout 
take-off and initial climb.  I will publish a full set of figures once 
we have the mod approval and can play at length.

Brian Tarmar  G-OBJT Classic Trigear XS Firewall Forward 912S

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