> I will have to try the light across the motor connections as has been
> suggested but can any electronics wizards please advise if there is any
> possibility that the relay deck may be causing this intermittent
> problem?
> Regards
> Bob Harrison G-PTAG EuropaMKI/Jabiru 3300
I have been referred to as such from time to time (wizard)
Relays are notorious for failures in the way you described. Some designs of
relalys are better than others. It depends on there usage. In the trim
motor usage, the current is quit low and the repetition rate of use is very
low. This requires a dust covered relay with a wiping action on the points.
I don't know what kind of relay you are using. The ones I used are of the
type I described and have not failed (yet). I have a separate trim power
switch, because the other problem that relays have is they stay conducting
after you release the switch. (known as trim run-away)
The problem you have been describing sound more like a broken wire in the
control column. (but you have two sets of up-down switches)
Happy hunting !!!!. Use the light bulb trick and then you will know which
end of the plane the trouble is in.
Cliff Shaw
1041 Euclid ave.
Edmonds, WA 98020
425 776 5555