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RE: Europa-List: tall pilots

Subject: RE: Europa-List: tall pilots
From: Mark Henwick <>
Date: Sat, 9 Apr 2005 09:38:01

Hi Paul

I am the same height as Ivan, who designed the plane for himself.
However, I have a long spine and my head felt uncomfortably close to the
glass in G-KITZ and the cockpit mockup. I have opted for a high top and
will feed back how it feels in, oh, about 2 years time. 

Difficult to measure exactly. I'm 6ft standing. Sitting bolt upright I'm
about 3ft 4in (102cm) tall.



-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Paul Boulet
Subject: Europa-List: tall pilots

Hi All;
i did a search of archives and only found one comment on tall pilots.
How tall can you be to fit comfortably in an XS monowheel?  Thanks Paul



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