> Doing some planning of the vent lines for the gas tank and sight glass
> and I was wondering if anyone has put the vents on the bottom of the
> airplane? I seem to remember somebody at Flight Crafters doing this,
> but I can't remember exactly how it was done. It seems reasonable to
> have the fuel vents on the bottom so that in the event they dribble
> some fuel it won't go all over the airplane.
I believe at least tri-gear builders should consider local climate and intended
runways, as any snow, ice, mud, or goose crap* can block a vent. With one fuel
tank, fuel flow will cease, and hence FAA rule about one tank, two vents.
FAR 23.951 and ff don't apply to homebuilts, but sometimes FAA "ain't just
I thus have a second vent, OK on the bottom if one is elsewhere. It's fed to a
mechanical fuel sender flange on top of the tank.
*The Canadian geese problem is so bad here that the airport manager leaves the
snow blade on the truck year-round, to plow the runways!
Fred F.