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Re: Europa-List: Tri-gear bungee tightening

Subject: Re: Europa-List: Tri-gear bungee tightening
From: Mark Burton <>
Date: Wed, 2 Jul 2003 15:20:48

Hello again,

Firstly, thanks to everyone who responded to my request for help.

I had a go using a bit of mountaineering kit that grips ropes but it
lost its grip when the bungee narrows under tension.

So in the end I went for the (slightly) radical solution of using
individual loops of bungee rather than one long piece. It seems to
work just as well and once a couple of loops are on, you no longer
need to support the fuselage. Retensioning or even completely changing
individual loops becomes relatively easy. Another big advantage is
that it only takes one person to do the job. The downside is that it
uses more bungee (IMHO, well worth it).



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