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Oil pressure fluctuations

Subject: Oil pressure fluctuations
From: Terry Seaver <>
Date: Thu, 31 May 2001 09:44:54
Hi gang,

We have been taxi testing our Rotax
912S the past few weeks. Several times
the oil pressure would start out fine,
and after a few minutes would start
dropping, fluctuating between 10 and
30 psi. (dropping to 0 for a few seconds
on one occasion). We thought it might
be a bad transducer, but had the same
problem after replacing it. We see the
same fluctuations with an ohm meter
attached to the transducer, so it is
not a problem with the instrument
or wiring.

Has anyone else had problems like
this? Could be a collapsed inlet hose,
or a problem with the pressure relief
valve, or two bad transducers in a
row, or ?.

On another note, on a cool day
(about 70 F) the water temp gets
up to 220 deg F after about ten
minutes of taxi. Is this typical for
an XS with a 912S? (The oil temp
was about 190-200 deg F).

BTW, we got our FAA sign-off
yesterday. As soon as we get the
oil pressure problem fixed the plane
is ready for first flight. The pilot, on
the other hand, is not quite so ready.

Terry Seaver
A135 / N135TD

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