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Re: Question about the rudder

Subject: Re: Question about the rudder
From: John Cliff <>
Date: Tue, 29 May 2001 11:33:46
Reply to a forwarded message. Reply is from
"Rob Housman" <>


Since it has been quite a while since I did the rudder (and I am writing
---From work not home so can't check my log or look at the rudder) I can't
directly answer your question.  But I do have a suggestion.  You will save
yourself a lot of time later on in the project if you perform an inventory
of your kit parts.  You should have gotten a printed list of items shipped
(probably with some notations about backordered parts) that you should use
to verify that you have what you need.  This process also helps you identify
what each part is, sometimes simply by the process of elimination (if this
piece of tubing is X, then this one that's left must by Y).  It is also
helpful to indicate on the printed list where each part is located (such as
in box B, or under your workbench, etc.) so later on you can consult the
list first and know where to look for a W21, or whatever.  Even more useful
would be a computer sorted (and searchable) list with part number,
description and location, because the manual frequently omits the
description (or part number) making it tough to find something for which you
have only a part number (or description) and not the vaguest idea what it
looks like - and scanning through pages of inventory gets a bit tedious.

Best regards,

Rob Housman
Irvine, CA

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