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Re: UK - Buying a 2nd hand Europa.

Subject: Re: UK - Buying a 2nd hand Europa.
From: Carl Pattinson <>
Date: Tue, 22 May 2001 20:12:57
Hi Ed,

Buying a second hand Europa is much the same as buying anything else (say a
car). You need to satisfy yourself that it is airworthy and that the logs
are up to date and you have all the relavent documentation. OK this is
probably simplyfying things.

You should also check that you are buying the aircraft from the legal owner
(aircraft do get stolen from time to time !!!). Check this out on the CAA
aircraft register

Europa Aircraft in the UK are operated under a Permit To Fly system
administered by the PFA (Popular Flying Association).

Provided you are a member of the PFA and have access to a PFA inspector
(whose services are normally FREE) then you can maintain your aircraft
yourself including minor engine servicing (filters, oil, plugs etc).

You might find some more information on this subject on the PFA Engineering

PFA Membership is about 40 per year.

Hope this helps.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Strike, Edward (ANTS)" <>
Subject: UK - Buying a 2nd hand Europa.

> What is the deal with buying a second hand Europa in the UK, will I still
> able to maintain it myself??
> Thanks in advance.
> Edward Strike
> Unix Systems Administration
> -- ANTS Front Office Technical Support --
> > * (00 44) 20 7612 3080
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