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RE: Laptop navigation.

Subject: RE: Laptop navigation.
From: Rob Housman <>
Date: Thu, 1 Mar 2001 12:11:46
For 3-D maps on the cheap, check this out:

Best regards,

Rob Housman

 -----Original Message-----
On Behalf Of Fred Fillinger
Sent:        Thursday, March 01, 2001 11:09 AM
Subject:        Re: Laptop navigation.

Nic wrote:
> ...
> If you are:
> indicating no rotational accelerations about your rate sensors and
> your GPS log indicates no recent history of climb or dive or heading
> and your pendulum device is not tilted then
> your artificial horizon display should indicate straight, level and
> flight.

Leave GPS out of the loop.  With satellite data coming down at a
blistering 50 bps, and the GPS engine moving-averaging the bejabbers
out of everything, it doesn't know you just did an Immelman, and only
later partially so at that.  Actually, just pay more for the right
sensor.  As best I dig the data sheets, you can get actual
attitude/heading output w/o any rate-crunching code.  Search for
products that include "guided missiles" under Applications!

> I'm learning Visual Basic now and it seems like the right language to
> this kind of program in.

Oh the joys of WinAPI calls from VeeBee code.  Might as well be C++
---From the start.  VB won't cut it speedwise, without API calls, for
your EFIS display on a LCD laptop, and time-sharing with the GPS
moving map.  You may find DirectX easier to  work with, and there's
freebie type libraries on the net.  Also, Delphi 4 is native code,
version 4 is free, with freebie DirectX interface and related units on
the web.  VB's quirky pointers cause grief down in the mirk of APIs.

> If there are any propeller heads who wish to collaborate on an open design
> for engine and flight instrumentation and a navigational moving map

GPS moving map is best just purchased cheaply.  I have an old Delorme
Tripmate that'll do what you want, and they may still have 3-D maps.
The aviation database is expensive.  Screen readability is still the
problem, but sounds like you'll accept that limitation.  Just need the
EFIS code and deal with the active window issue (and gyro sensor -
VISA/MasterCard accepted).

Fred F.,

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