The past couple of weeks here (Stockholm) have been kind of rainy with "coolish
but warm" temps (17 - 20C) which has meant that the relative humidity in my
workshop has been continuously up between 80 to 90% most of the time
(been too busy at work to work much on the plane anyway). Is there a risk that
the wooden parts (at the moment I'm thinking about the plywood in the
will absorb too much moisture which will be sealed into the wood? Is this
harmful? Can these wooden parts rot? I understand that when building wooden
aircraft controlling the humidity of your workshop is important so the wood will
not be too dry nor too "damp". Humidity can (be forced to) rapidly drop to
allow epoxy work but I doubt wood "dries out" as quickly.
Am I worrying too much or can this actually be a problem?
Philip (Tri-gear #426)