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Re: My email on metal treatment

Subject: Re: My email on metal treatment
From: Carl Pattinson <>
Date: Sun, 21 Sep 1997 13:02:05
Fergus Kyle wrote:
> Greetings:
>       Perhaps my deoderant is faulty, but I thought SOMEONE might have a word
of advice on surface treatment of the metal parts. Did everyone just use 
spray paint?...... or zinc coating?...... or nothing?

If you use nothing, the paimt will almost certainly chip off very
quickly as I found out to my cost. I eventually settled for using
ALODINE and METAL PREP pre cleaning (available from Aircraft Spruce and
Speciality UK). I only wish someone had told me about ALODINE earlier
since many of my components were not treated and I had to repaint. There
is also a question mark over the effectiveness of the metal to glass
bonds although we did abrade fairly thoroughly. Sadly, the earlier
Europa builders did not get sufficient advice from the factory.
Anodising/ pre treatment is not mentioned in the manuals (as far as I

If you pre treat with ALODINE, almost anything will adhere permanently.
Spruce and Speciality can advise you on what you will need and its not
very expensive. 

Carl Pattinson

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