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Re: Interior noise

Subject: Re: Interior noise
From: Graham Singleton <>
Date: Wed, 3 Sep 1997 18:39:53
>> inlet quieting(plenum system) ;<<

We have a plenum system on Kwip among other things. Howevr it's quite
obvious there is still a lot of noise from the intake system, evident when
opening and closing the throttle at constant speed. In earlier
configurations it was confusing because the noises tend to cycle, ie
apparently related to the gearbox. Now we have the cooling air inlets at 4
oclock and 8 oclock related to the center of the prop, coolant and oil
radiators at the back of course, (only one of each) the cyclic noise is
much reduced. Could it  be because the prop / air inlets are now
Cruising at 1/2 throttle, course pitch and 4300 rpm, 110 to 115 kts
depending on weight, is very quiet.

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