---------- Forwarded Message ----------
From: Larry Portouw, INTERNET:72170.1636@compuserve.com
RE: What's KAB?
>What's "Kit Aircraft Builder?" All three of those
>words sound interesting...
Kit Aircraft Builder is a new publication (now printing its
5th issue) comming on line in California. It's put together
by one Charles Coyne who used to publish for the hobby automotive
crowd. Chuck and I have co-misserated about the dearth of
periodical publications truly devoted to building airplanes.
The first issues of Sport Aviation were probably a few sheets
of paper run on Paul's mimeograph machine and contained NOTHING
but builder help info. Now, if you divide the total pages
of current publications (which purport to support builders) by
the number of pages devoted to builder issues, I'd be surprised
if the number exceeds 20% on most rags, less than 10% on others.
Now, I'm NOT whacking on any particular magazine . . . their managers
have made personal/business decisions about where their product should
be going . . . none-the-less, I believe and many join me in the notion
that there's a new opportunity to service the builder INDUSTRY.
I've joined the editorial staff of KAB and will supply a feature
article plus a regular Q/A column in every issue. I'll also be
looking for topical articles from YOU . . . the builders . . . that
can be put together for publishing. If you don't fancy yourself a
writer, let's co-author something . . . I'll help.
If the amateur built industry is to thrive, it must become BETTER
that BPC&M ever were. In many respects (performance, cost, regulation)
we've achieved that goal but there's a LONG way to go. Timely, open
forum communications and sharing of ideas is key to our future
success. It's my goal that KAB, along with the AeroElectric
Connection, become an integral part of the communciations channel.
All of my subscribers will be receiving a sample copy of KAB in the
next few weeks (they are off the press yesterday). Sample copies
are avialble to anyone who is interested in looking it over . . .
drop a note to Charles Coyne at 102125.2540@compuserve.com. Anyone
with an idea to share or a request for coverage on some topic can
forward their thoughts to either Chuck or myself.
KAB and/or the 'Connection could go the way of those before us . . .
sell advertising, do mass promo mailings, offer credit cards and overpriced
insurance, etc. . . . or they can become useful tools to those who
pay the price of a subscription. Treat them like your own and let
us know what you NEED to see in print or SHARE with those who follow
you. Folks, we can do something really good here . . .
Bob . . .
AeroElectric Connection
(o o)
| |
| Go ahead, make my day . . . |
| Show me where I'm wrong. |