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Re: Subaru Engine

Subject: Re: Subaru Engine
Date: Mon, 4 Nov 1996 22:38:37
>Having spent some three months trying to cool down my Subaru-powered Europa 
>down at Kemble (water temp was running 115-120 degrees at full tilt) the 
>aerodynamycist suggested removing the front scoop.  I am happy to report 
>that water temp does not now exceed 85 degrees in a sustained (to 8,000 
>feet) climb and levels at 80 degrees flat out straight and level.
>In passing,  she flies like a dream and it only took a few hours with Martin 
>Stoner (01666,504884    or     0802,630721) to get me off on my own.  Now 
>safely back home in Windy Wales I polish her lovingly every night and pray 
>for a nice fat anticyclone so that I can get some more practice in.
>By the way the airfield here is temporarily closed as I work out how to 
>lengthen it.  I have been coming over the hedge a bit fast, because we tend 
>to suffer from rotor, and the little lady seems to float forever!  For your 
>diaries the fly-in next year is on Saturday the 3rd August.  I hope we'll 
>see lots of you here.

Great to see your happy letter at last. Can you give us any performance 
figures for the Subaru? Cruise speed and fuel consumption in particular? I 
imagine I am one of many who are hoping to make it to your fly-in NEXT YEAR 
just a year or two later than expected! Incidentally, 3 August is a Sunday, 
not Saturday. Aren't the Welsh in Church singing that day?

Best wishes and congratulations.

Mark Talbot G-BWCV

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