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Europa-List: Coolant leak

Subject: Europa-List: Coolant leak
From: Paul McAllister <>
Date: Fri, 26 Dec 2008 18:15:33

Hi All,

It has been miserably cold here for the past month and I haven't flown
my aircraft.  I ventured out to my hanger today (unheated) to be
greeted by the sight of coolant on the floor.  It is dripping from the
radiator area.

I haven't investigated further, I'll have to move my airplane to the
heated workshop area of my hanger first, but I had a few questions for
the folks on the forum.

I have a 50:50 mix of water/glycol in my aircraft.  The coldest it has
been in the last 30 days is zero degrees Fahrenheit, -18 centigrade.
Has anyone had experience of  50:50 mix of water/glycol would freeze
at this temperature ?.  My quick research suggests it freezes at -36F

For people living nearer to the Arctic circle than me, has anyone had
a similar experience ?

Thanks,  Paul

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