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RE: Europa-List: Re: XS mono max gross weight

Subject: RE: Europa-List: Re: XS mono max gross weight
From: Bud Yerly <>
Date: Tue, 16 Jul 2019 22:02:59
Jim, Ramio and Fred,

Attached is a VN diagram and the effects of the 1450 increase I did for Eur
opa some 13 years ago.  I never put this in my previous post as it goes ove
r the head of many pilots.  My numbers are slightly different than the Drap
er/Dykins numbers and I believe they are being very conservative.  Andy was
 gone by 2006 and no one at Europa was willing to pay for the flight testin
g so it just got dropped.

Anyway, I think a CG Limit of 59 and 62 are fine for most of us.  If you ha
ve a mono with a heavy nose and you added a tail weight to counter balance 
it, and had long wings, then I expect that Don Dykins concern for keeping t
he CG forward a bit more may be prudent.  A short wing Europa Mono or Trige
ar for that matter and a pilot with good feet, I=92m not concerned about mu
ch other than the increase in sink rate and stopping the rate of sink prior
 to ground effect.

Great discussion but without flight testing and confirmation it=92s worthle
ss.  I flight tested my aircraft, and it is fine in all phases at 1450.

I still don=92t recommend anything over 1450.  Up to 1450 the change in per
formance and handling are negligible in my opinion.  For the mono pilots, i
t is like going from a Classic to an XS mono wheel.  That extra 50 pounds o
f the XS and gear in some cases made for me to have to pay more attention d
uring the round out and flare.  For those with a heavy plane and glider win
gs, for God=92s sake do the Mod 78 and keep it light.  Fly the plane within
 the CG limits discussed above and you should be just fine.  However, go an
d flight test and make sure.  Start 5 mistakes high to give your self more 
time if you upset the aircraft or get into an unusual attitude, or let some
one who is experienced do the flight tests.  I have never found a poor hand
ling problem in either the short or long wing at 1450 or slightly over that
 in the CG range discussed, but then again, we flight tested.

Best Regards,

Bud Yerly

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From: <owner-europa-list-server@matr> on behalf of h&amp;jeuropa <>
Sent: Tuesday, July 16, 2019 3:48:09 PM
Subject: Europa-List: Re: XS mono max gross weight

Attached is memo from Andy Draper concerning increased max gross weight.


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