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Europa-List: CJ Fuel Gauge issues

Subject: Europa-List: CJ Fuel Gauge issues
From: Off2wildblue <>
Date: Wed, 5 Jun 2019 17:43:49

All right, when my airplane was delivered, the fuel gauge worked normally. 
after taking the wings off and putting them back on my fuel gauge doesnt
seem to work normally and actually can be intermittent. It does have power to
the gauge and the low level lights. The gauge reads empty with a low level light
on one side and the other side is intermittent. 

 I was wondering if there is anyway to test the continuity of the wire from the
gauge to the fuel transmitter sensor on top of the wing or at least to the wing
root area.  I have the bags installed but I do have access to the screws at
the sensor. I would like to test the sensor to gauge continuity to make sure
everything is good there. I believe I hooked up all the canon plugs and the 
plugs at the wing connection. However, if anybody knows what the wire
connectors look like for the fuel gauges that would really help. Maybe I missed

Also if anybody has a way of testing the fuel sensors or any other part of the
system I would appreciate any feedback. I would like to take the airplane out
of town and I get a little paranoid when I cant read my fuel gauge.



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