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Europa-List: Re: Flap hinge FL9 bearing fit

Subject: Europa-List: Re: Flap hinge FL9 bearing fit
From: n7188u <>
Date: Tue, 30 Oct 2018 13:16:35

Thanks for the reply Jim (or Heather :) ).

I measured the FL9 bushings and they are all around .374" (undersize). My plates
where powder coated at one point in the kit's life and it was quite hard to
remove from holes. I debated getting an undersized reamer ($$$) but not really
knowing which size to make the hole I just resorted to using a very fine small
sanding drum in the dremel and a light touch to remove the coat from the hole.
Worked well ok but would rather use a reamer. The fit of the bushings is good
but some are slight press and some slide in. Hopefully loctite will do its
job and, if problems arise in the future, it is always easy to repair these 
(machining oversize bushings).

Regarding flap hinges, will take what you describe of your flap install and 
mine. I can make it fit perfect because I haven't installed any plates in the
flaps yet. I can adjust the depth of the tip and root rebates and make things
fit just right. Again, the concern is that if I displace the flap outboard
a little to make things fit properly then the flap torque tube could end up 
a little short. It's just me not knowing exactly how things fit at that stage
of the build. Just thinking ahead. I will go to the hangar now and try to
determine if the length of the flap control tube will allow a little fiddling
of the flap position. It really should as I think some tolerance in the build
should be allowed.

Again thanks for the feedback and pressing on! Hoping to have the wings finished
by early months of next year at which point I will have a mostly complete 
Then the 10:90 rule will apply and I will still have 90% of the build
time ahead of me :)

Chris Martin

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