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Europa-List: Re: Vertical play at stabilator tips

Subject: Europa-List: Re: Vertical play at stabilator tips
From: n7188u <>
Date: Mon, 1 Oct 2018 18:14:45

Hi Mike,

Daytona, Florida. I'm actually not that isolated. There are two Europas in the
field but, as much as I try to connect with the owners or get a ride in one, it
never happens (one is two hangars from mine so it can't get any closer). Maybe
one day I will be able to ride one, hopefully before mine flies :)

So here are some pictures I just posted in my build site:

The stiffening ribs behind the aft bulkhead is just an ugly attempt at 
binding of the stab bearings. It's working well though not very elegant. As
mentioned, next time around (yeah right) I will cleco the fuselage before 
the bearings (or some other nifty way).

I thought I had a good picture posted of the cradle I have (built by the builder
I got the kit from) but its not there. There are a couple of pictures of the
cradle but you can't see the flat surface under the fuselage which is where the
fuselage is actually resting. The cradle fuselage supports (or whatever those
rib things are called) are not touching the fuselage. I trim those back so
that there is about an inch of clearance all around between the supports and the
fuselage skin. This was done to keep the cradle from deforming the fuselage
in any way. Those supports (or ribs) are still there so that I can tilt the 
cradle and still support the fuselage. I also plan to remove the flat surface
when ready to install the gear.

Enjoy perusing my site and if you see anything I did wrong let me know :)


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