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RE: Europa-List: Re: Fuel Management

Subject: RE: Europa-List: Re: Fuel Management
From: Bud Yerly <>
Date: Sun, 3 Jun 2018 14:20:49
I couldn=92t agree more with your comments on the EI 5 fuel totalizer with 
differential module.

I have a sight gauge as depicted on my website.

I have had a capacitance gauge from GRT / Princeton

I have the EI 5 fuel totalizer.

Painfully, I calibrated my tank (marks on the tank, sight gauge, and a capa
citance sender.

Capacitance:   If I change fuel from AV Gas to Premium Auto, it read in err
or.  I have marks on the outside of my probe for calibration so I could ben
ch check it, it reads different based on ethanol content, or none, MOGAS or
 AV Gas as bench checked and in the aircraft.  What a pain.  If there is to
o much ethanol (10%) or water it kills my capacitance probe.  I replaced it
, now it is intermittent and I again in frustration I pulled it and plugged
 the hole in the tank top with a bolt.  Great trend indicator when it worke
d, I either had gas or not, and nothing accurate in between beyond the firs
t fuel type change.  Bad luck I suppose.   The Europa resistance gauge is f
airly accurate as it is designed for the tank shape, but again, is a trend 
indicator and not able to be calibrated by the builder.

My sight gauge has been re-plumbed to prevent fuel trapping as my vent side
 of the gauge resides in between the tank and the fiberglass module top.  I
f a bit of fuel trapped in that vent side doesn=92t drain down, it moves my
 gauge by the size of the trapped fuel.  Now with my slight gauge re-plumb,
  it runs almost completely down hill and is damned adequate.  However, I s
till have to open the cap, blow in the vent  nipple, and then the gauge is 
accurate after every fill.  I now run the plumbing completely down hill and
 fuel trapping is still possible during steep climbs and won=92t clear unti
l back to level flight for a while.

The EI FP5 I own was calibrated out of the box.  I have two flow scans for 
the 914, one on feed and the other on return.  If I put 15 gallons in the t
ank, the EI reads zero as the pumps cavitate.

In my building experience, I followed convention on using one fuel cube/flo
w scan for the Jabiru or Rotax 912 series.  Since the Jab has no return it 
is fairly accurate and of course the return, which is unmetered in the Rota
x 912 series, is an estimate on fuel at best.  It does give a total which i
s lower than actual, which is OK, I guess.

A couple of years ago we did do a return on the Rotax 912 (80 HP) on Creigh
ton Smiths aircraft and it has proven quite reliable.  His unit was a Fligh
t Data Systems  unit called the FC 10 with dual fuel flows (red cubes).  It
 worked very well even with the very low fuel flows of the 912.  I had neve
r heard of Flight Data Systems and the unit is a bit on the cheap looking s
ide, but it works well for less than my EI 5FPL with differential module.

For those with the GRT EIS engine monitor, it can be rewired to allow two r
ed cubes or flow scans if not purchased with fuel flow in mind.  It is also
 adjustable but time consuming to get dead on unless you let the factory se
t it.  Dynon I understand is using the red cube and my RV friends seem to l
ike it on the O-320.  The LSA guys with only one cube are not impressed wit
h the accuracy on the 912S and those with two report it is OK, but not able
 to calibrate it for some reason.  I never researched it.

Bottom line,

I have had four fuel quantity determining possibilities:

My watch ( I have 3 hours at low cruise ((4.5/hr)) and 2.5  at high cruise 

My sight gauge.

My EI fuel flow, and time until empty based on the amount I put in and inpu

My now defunct capacitance panel gauge (which was just replaced with dual E
GT) has been hit or miss.

I am the department of redundant redundancy on fuel and have found the most
 accurate fuel device is my fuel flow and a watch.


Bud Yerly

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From: <owner-europa-list-server@matr> on behalf of graeme bird <>
Sent: Friday, June 1, 2018 2:44:54 AM
Subject: Europa-List: Re: Fuel Management

My conclusion was the same and I went on a journey with this whole thing:
First I moved the pipe to come up between the seats; this has proved useful
 for seeing how much fuel I have when in the hangar before I fly although s
ometimes an air bubble in the and fuel in the vent for the pipe means the r
eading is misleading. Its affected by where the plane is parked - inclinati
on so I check it at the same place in the hangar. Occasionally I have used 
it to second check in flight. When the fuel is low (below 18ltrs), its hard
 to see.

Then I installed a capacitive sensor in the tank with a gauge. This is kind
 of useful as a second check and reliable but the scale is way off due to t
he tank shape. Its also hard to get a good seal on the sender flange. I kee
p meaning to add a lineariser circuit on it.

Then I have a differential totaliser (EI 5PL or something); this has been g
reat and a pretty reliable indication of state,  flow economy etc (so long 
as fuel added is entered correctly). I tend to fill to the brim regularly t
o be absolutely sure of state.
So with the three indicators I got to a reasonable level of confidence. Not
 sure i'd want to be without any of them now.

Graeme Bird
G-UMPY -  Mono Classic/XS FFW 912S, Woodcomp 3000/3W CS, trutrak Gemini 2 a
xis AP, PAW, PFLARM core, ads-b out, 8.33khz, mode S, FP-5, Aera500, SD on 
Nexus, SmartA3
325 hours &amp; 6 years on the Mono, 930 total

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