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Re: Europa-List: Rotax Engine Alternatives - Aeromomentum

Subject: Re: Europa-List: Rotax Engine Alternatives - Aeromomentum
From: GTH <>
Date: Sun, 16 Jul 2017 01:15:03
/Le 15/07/2017  20:34, Robert Borger a crit :
> /You can buy all the necessary elements for a successful engine 
> installation and be flying quickly or you can spend years (decades?) 
> trying to develop them yourself. /

Hi Graeme and all,

It is very difficult to develop a reliable and successful PSRU with a 4 
cylinder engine.
If this new engine had succeeded, no doubt they would mention it with 
pride. The fact that they just casually talk about it might indicate 
they did not spend much time designing and developing it.
Be prepared to help develop the engine and its reduction unit as well.
Best regards,

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