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RE: Europa-List: Re: Stabilator travel change

Subject: RE: Europa-List: Re: Stabilator travel change
From: Peter Jeffers <>
Date: Wed, 12 Jul 2017 10:40:34

I am in complete agreement with everything Jon has written but would also
like to add one further thought. Have you checked for undesirable play
between torque tube TP 4 and either TP12 or TP 9.   Excessive play here
could cause loss of correct elevator movement.
For information on this subject refer to LAA-247-001  and LAA-247-002
Flight Safety Bulletins on the LAA web site.
Pete Jeffers

-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of JonSmith
Sent: 12 July 2017 09:51
Subject: Europa-List: Re: Stabilator travel change

--> <>

Graeme, the tailplane and mass balance arm assembly is effectively a
one-piece component pivoting within the torque tube bearings, the limits of
movement being the mass balance weight striking the top and bottom of its
vertical guides in the fuselage respectively.  These limits of movement of
the weight are the elevator control stops, there are no other stops anywhere
else.  When the weight is fully up (against the inside of the fuselage top)
then the tailplane will be in its full down elevator position and when the
weight is fully down (on its lower stop that is built into the tower just
above the elevator control torque tube) then the tailplane will be in its
full up elevator postion.  The tailplane/ mass balance weight assembly must
be able to run fully and freely between these two stops and the control
surface deflection must be correct as per the manual at each limit.  As
David says, if you are in any doubt about the system if only for piece of
mind you should have a jo!
 lly good look at it all before next flight.  Without wild speculation I
can't really think what could suddenly go wrong with it?  Would be
interested to hear if you do find anything - or hopefully if you find
everything is ok.....!

Again, without wishing to wildly speculate - if it feels like you are
"running out of elevator" on landing, you don't think that for whatever
reason you might be getting too slow on final approach and effectively
stalling it in?   Have you changed anything in your ASI system that could
perhaps cause it to overread and therefore you might not be as fast as you
might think?  Sorry again for speculation - just a thought!
All the best, Jon

Classic Mono

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