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Europa-List: Trips 2017 UK/Europe

Subject: Europa-List: Trips 2017 UK/Europe
Date: Mon, 2 Jan 2017 10:47:42

 I am pleased to say that rumours of my demise (or my aeroplane's) are
premature and GXSDJ is well on the way to resurrection and should be
flying in time for me to be fully involved in Trips this year. At the
moment we have outline plans for trips to Scandinavia/Arctic, Greece and
probably Spain, together with various day trips. 

 It would be good to have suggestions or requests for destinations or
routes from anyone contemplating joining a trip or from anyone with
local knowledge, and as ever from anyone prepared to lead a trip. I hope
to publish a more detailed list of trips with dates in the next two
weeks or so. Am happy to discuss any ideas via email or phone at any
time (numbers in Europa Flyer) 

 Happy New Year and safe landings! David Joyce, Europa Club Trips

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