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Re: Europa-List: SKyview 10"

Subject: Re: Europa-List: SKyview 10"
From: Jeffrey Roberts <>
Date: Mon, 20 Oct 2014 10:47:49
Very Nice Erich!! I am now inspired!! Now I only need some time and 
extra money ;-)

Jeff R. N128LJ Gold Rush 

On Oct 19, 2014, at 11:32 AM, Erich Trombley wrote:

> Hi Jeff,
> Attached are a couple of pictures of the Dynon Skyview 10" 
installation.  I was able to shoehorn in the larger screen by making a 
couple of modifications to the panel substructure.  The transition from 
steam gauges to the Dynon was a non-issue.  The system is very intuitive 
and I just love it.  I was thinking about installing the smaller 7" 
Skyview in the center stack primarily as the engine monitor and to serve 
as a backup, however, after spending considerable time at OSH this year 
viewing the 10" and 7" side by side, and I just can't see installing the 
smaller unit as there is too much difference in viewing area. The 10" in 
the center stack will require extensive modification to to the panel 
though, so we will see.  If you are considering installing the Skyview I 
highly recommend the larger 10" display.
> Kind regards,
> Erich Trombley
> N28ET Classic Mono 914
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