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Re: Europa-List: Tailplane twist

Subject: Re: Europa-List: Tailplane twist
Date: Thu, 17 Jul 2014 13:08:55
Tony=0Ahave you had the top Clecoed on? It should be possible to correct th
e twist=0Ain the fuselage and lock it level when you finally bond the top o
n.=0AGraham=0A=0A=0A=0A=0A________________________________=0A From: Tony Re
nshaw <>=0ATo: =0ASent: T
hursday, 17 July 2014, 11:39=0ASubject: Europa-List: Tailplane twist =0A 
.com>=0A=0AGidday,=0AWhilst trying to sort out a difference in the trailing
 edges of my stabilators/elevators, port one being higher, when I knew my j
igs etc for setting up this sort of thing was meticulous, if not my strengt
h, I should probably have been a jig builder not an aircraft builder, I cam
e up with a possible solution I=99d like to air. So, I noticed my tai
lplanes were not level when my wings were.=C2- I have removed my torque t
ube pin receptacles from the port root closeouts, and I endeavoured to get 
the stabs level prior to rebounding in the receptacles when I realised I co
uld lift the port tailplane, trying to take up slack in the elongated pin r
eceptacle holes, and I noticed the stud tailplane also moved. It was then I
 realised the lifting of the port tailplane, from below, was rocking the en
tire tail, torque tube and all. The lower fuselage hemisphere has a twist i
n it, or so it seems. I don=99t quite know how this has now occurred,
 as I know I would have put my
 tailplane torque tube in !=0Alevel, but now its not. Had I left it the way
 it was, and didn=99t do the drive pin repair, it would have had the 
Port tailplane higher than the left, and combined with single pilot weight 
asymmetric loading, would have helped to created unwanted roll. =0ASo, I no
w am thinking I might do a DNA mod, like the visualisation of two ladders h
eld 180 degrees opposed down the sides of a column, and then the column twi
sted, and removed, leaving twisted ladders. If I do something similar with 
an inert substrate, perpendicular to the floor, and twisted up from baggage
 bay to tail, with a 2 ply fence layup, say 1=9D high on both sides, 
forgoing a 1-2 kg penalty, would that not be a worthwhile outcome? It might
 only be on the lower half of the fuse, but I suspect it will hold the tail
 section true. I also am aware the top hemisphere might act like a continua
l, banded row of fences, and to that end I need the advice of the list. Sho
uld I just jig the lower fuse, the tailplane torque tube, and get the geome
try sorted accordingly, and bond the top on to hold it all =9Cwithout
- =C2- =C2- =C2- =C2- =C2- =C2- =C2- =C2- =C2- =C2- 

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