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Europa-List: Fan Panel, maybe helpfull to those who are not builders

Subject: Europa-List: Fan Panel, maybe helpfull to those who are not builders
From: Alan Carter <>
Date: Sun, 13 Oct 2013 14:17:47

Hello All.
I am posting this article mainly for the Europa owner who have not built there
aircraft and have limited tools,
Just a Ruler, Hammer, Hack Saw ,Drill and Files, and about 8 to 16 hours of 
I  also thing it would be nice if others posted and shared little projects and
ideas to do with the Europa.
I have a converted Classic to Tri gear the builder used lock nuts and bolts on
the instrument sub panels, as i work totally on my own with little confidence
i did not want to remove the whole instrument panel.
So cut a hole in the top of the instrument panel big enough to get my hand down,
i practised first by cutting different size panels in a cardboard box , this
end up with me choosing
a panel size of two 92 mm fans as i could then remove my instrument if needed 
the hole, I ended up being able to remove the lock nuts and re make my
main instrument main sub panel
removable, however my little fan panel hole is still very useful.
Two 92 mm Fans, Two Fan grills, Piece of alloy sheet, 6 Allen Bolts and lock 
Araldite, and maybe some little bits of Wood.
You can my parts in Photo,
Mark out and Cut the letter box out, with an opening to take the two fans.
Mark out and Make the Fan plate, mark out and cut out the shapes,
Drill the holes and fit the Fans and grills, to the plate.
Drop into letter box and drill fixing holes for Allen bolts, Allen bolts are 
as you can remove with the windscreen in place.
To anchor these bolts, i used a strip of alloy drilling and filing the shape of
each of the six nuts in the strip and bonding with Araldite.
As the fans are 25 mm in depth i had to raise the fan plate about 1/4 by 
a strip of wood round the edge to raise the fan clear of an instrument.
Clean up and paint,
Does not look much but it took me about 8 hours so far.
Mask Windscreen , work carefully use letter box to mark, then cut hole, thought
this was plastic, Stanley Knife did not work, ended up cutting with half an hack
Saw Blade
small file, and sand paper,its actually made of Glass Fibre and a bit tougher 
i thought.
Make the six fixing holes in Glass fibre, then slid Letter Box underside and 
up, hold in place with bull dog clips, 
When set screw in Fan plate and wire up.
Serves two purposes, maintenance panel and demister,
I hope this is useful and of help to some none builders.
The other bit is my FFM Panel goes in where the gear lever was,
Cardboard denotes skin.

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