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Re: Europa-List: Re: pilots licence

Subject: Re: Europa-List: Re: pilots licence
From: Richard Iddon <>
Date: Fri, 30 Mar 2012 16:53:36

Thanks for the answers guys. About half an hour after posting my question, I got
my copies of Flyer & Pilot through the post, both of which had a copy of the
new pilot licensing regulations enclosed. I will study these also.

Richard Iddon

On 30 Mar 2012, at 14:51, Dave Disney wrote:

> Hi Richard,
> It is rather confusing, Brians advice is sound. The CAA have recently released
a new 28 page document that is easier to follow, it has dates, deadlines etc.
> I'm in a similar position to you in that I have the old UK lifetime CAA 
> licence
and I fly an Annex II aircraft (Airtourer). I don't need a new EASA licence
to fly my aircraft, but in future I may need to fly an EASA aircraft for 
or a renewal/biannual check etc. 
> I've decided to stump up and get a new EASA licence as it's a paperwork 
> exercise
for me (apply send cheque to CAA etc) I can also prove the radio navigation
needed for the issue of the EASA licence.
> As I understand it our CAA are happy for the holder of a valid EASA PPL to fly
non EASA aircraft ie Annex II aircraft as well as EASA aircraft. The future
'downgrade' if you like would be to get an EASA LAPL which is also acceptable
to our CAA for flying EASA and Annex II aircraft but requires a less stringent
> Here is a link to the document
> Dave
> Read this topic online here:

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