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Re: Europa-List: Full swivel tail wheel

Subject: Re: Europa-List: Full swivel tail wheel
From: Bud Yerly <>
Date: Sat, 30 Apr 2011 00:14:57
Have tried the same swivel on both the conventional and mono.  Please 
keep the lock up mechanism in tune.  If the tail wheel breaks loose 
unwanted, you're off to the races.  In the mono, it is your only control 
below 30 of course.

Quick story about my now deceased buddy Bob Knapp, one of the finest 
stick and rudder guys I have ever known, but just a bit on the crazy 
side.  We had the conventional gear of Rich Semintilli's loaded near the 
aft CG, which puts more load on the tail wheel of course, and Bob and I 
took it out for a test run, and just for grins, I did a tail wheel 
breakout test and applied half power with Bob Knapp and myself (about 
500lbs with gas) and 25 pound bag in the back.  I pulsed the rudder to 
check the tail wheel and it was locked initially until I pushed hard 
back to correct to the center line...  I used the hand brakes to regain 
control and lock it back in and Bob said that was a pretty aggressive 
rudder pulse and it was normal for that to happen, even on his RV4s.  I 
handed the plane off to Bob for the takeoff so I could monitor the EIS 
and all went well, we flew about 20 minutes checking the oil temps and 
verify the oil leak was cured and came back in to land, I came around 
and did three touch and goes and Bob did the full stop.  Just as Bob was 
about to touch the tail wheel first, we picked up a bit of drift from 
the crosswind and the tail wheel broke free on the three point touchdown 
and we darted off to the boonies.  The brakes, rudder and  
Rotax/Airmaster drug us off before we hit anything.  The post mortem on 
the tail wheel indicated the pin chipped off a bit.  Figuring a 
defective part, we replaced the pin and we tightened the tail wheel 
breakout spring by replacing it with a firmer one as suggested by the 
folks at Vans, but the extra force soon began to wear after the 20th 
flight full of touch and goes (Bob liked lots of touch and goes).  One 
Sunday morning Bob was flying with a rather busty plussed sized lady to 
show her what it was like in a small airplane, the tail wheel broke free 
unannounced as he applied full power while still turning on the runway a 
bit.  She really liked the quick turns the plane would do, and said it 
was an E ticket ride.  Bob called me up and asked me to change out the 
tail wheel back to the original.  

If our main wheel was closer to the leading edge of the mean chord, it 
wouldn't be as hard on the locking pin of the tail wheel in my opinion.  
I like the Graham Singleton limiter better than the roll pin of the 
original as it keeps you out of trouble when you get the plane a bit out 
of sorts, provided you keep the stick back and pressure on the tail 
wheel.  However, you can't pull the plane backwards unless you have a 
tail wheel caddy.  I like the flat square shaped tire you have chosen as 
it has more surface area and doesn't skip on those wet tar lines or 
painted stripes as bad as our rounded original tire.  If we could only 
find someone who made a lockable full swivel tail wheel as was used in 
the world war two fighters and trainers.  Lock the wheel for takeoff and 
in some cases landing, and leave it unlocked for ground maneuvering.  If 
I only had the time.

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Erich Trombley<> 
  Sent: Thursday, April 28, 2011 11:25 PM
  Subject: Europa-List: Full swivel tail wheel

  Hi All,

  Just a quick note to let you all know that I converted the stock 
Europa tail wheel to a full swivel unit.  The ground handling has 
improved significantly.  For those not familiar with a full swivel tail 
wheel it works just like the stock tail wheel with the exception that as 
the tail wheel moves past +/- 30 degrees a detent is released and the 
tail wheel is free to swivel  through 300 degrees.  Wonderful!  I 
purchased a Van's tail wheel unit sans tail whee and tail spring.  Link 

  The conversion was pretty straight forward; consisted of cutting off 
the end of the tail spring, having the last 2" turned down to remove the 
taper, and drilled/reamed to secure the tail wheel assembly.  Pictures 
attached and posted to the forum website.

  Erich Trombley
  N28ET Classic Mono 914

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