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Re: Europa-List: Re: Europa - Battery cable sizing

Subject: Re: Europa-List: Re: Europa - Battery cable sizing
From: Tony Renshaw <>
Date: Mon, 7 Jun 2010 19:07:46

Gidday Ron,
I see you have your battery in the back. Great. I will too, but how far back I'm
not sure. I intend on placing it underneath the rear luggage area, on a 
shelf. I did consider putting it further aft, and in fact I have built a
fuselage mounted stowage just forward of the aft tail bulkhead, but I reckon
if I had a big crash it might end up in the back of my head! So, I reckon if I
put it behind the cockpit module, it has a long way to go to get to the back
of my head, or the poor unfortunate that I crash with. I wouldn't normally tell
this story but I did take a girl that I was newly dating in Papua New Guinea
for her first flight in a light aircraft when I was hit by windshear landing
on a 300 metre strip, with 14 degrees of slope, and we crashed. So, it can 
and I know first hand. 
Could you please tell me about your battery location, and maybe you could give
me your opinion of my plan, to put it under the luggage shelf, to track the 
to a kill switch on the back of the passenger headrest, and then up to
my positive bus bar. Thanks.

On 07/06/2010, at 8:30 AM, rparigoris wrote:

> Just a quick note on CCA, I too have an aft mounted battery on 914 mono and am
using #4 CCA, the dameter of #4 CCA is closer to #2 Tefzel standard copper wire
than #4 Tefzel wire but the resistance is almost identical to #4 tefzel.
> Ron Parigoris
> Read this topic online here:

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