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Subject: RE: Europa-List: CABLE CUTTING
From: Robert C Harrison <>
Date: Thu, 11 Mar 2010 07:12:19
Hi! Ferg.
Don't you have vacuum cleaners ? Hope you took your mobile 'phone with you
or had someone standing by ready for you to get cramps across your chest
with arms above your head so long..
Good idea about the bed but on wakening in a morning I wouldn't get out fast
enough to get to the "karsi"!
Bob H 


[] On Behalf Of Fergus Kyle
Sent: 10 March 2010 22:32
Subject: Europa-List: CABLE CUTTING

Thanks for the number of observations regarding cutting SS rudder cable.....
yes, I tried each one and they are good  -  as  bench tools.
          However, I should have said "I'm lying on my gut in the back of
the aircraft, with my head about 1/2inch below the ceiling, and pocket
change and hand tools sliding out of my pockets........*
        Now I need to clip about 1/16inch off the end of the cable.  Do I
drag in the high-speed drill and diamond disc, manage the cut without
fraggling the ends or setting fire to the composite, then drag in the vacuum
and seek out the tiny burnt ends?....or do I reach into my pocket, grip the
cutter. save the 19 pieces of 1/16inch clippings in my other hand, and put
the cutter away?
PS: Whacking a chisel onto a steel plate don't cut the mustard 'back here',
especially for 1/16inch clip.
* I made a platform (which will eventually be a folding bed base) from the
throttle stand through the headrests, span the back space and cantilever
across the D-panel bottom to two supporters on either side of the fuselage
at the canoe-join level.

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