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RE: Europa-List: Wondering Jab 3300 etc.

Subject: RE: Europa-List: Wondering Jab 3300 etc.
From: Robert C Harrison <>
Date: Sat, 23 Jan 2010 22:41:01
Hi! Graham.
The return fuel line will need to be severely restricted  or it will take
priority over the regulator.
Bob Harrison G-PTAG  Now with 914 Rotax


[] On Behalf Of Graham
Sent: 23 January 2010 00:55
Subject: Re: Europa-List: Wondering

On 22/01/2010 22:11, wrote: 
EGT and CHT are all you will need to be careful of.  I am in the middle of
installing a 3300 in mine; am going the Sensenitch prop as John has.  One of
the secrets seems to be the amount of twist in the prop near the hub, so
that it throws a lot of air into the cooling ports.  This is why the
Senesenitch is recommended.  I don't know anything about the Whirlwind.
Ther are several Jabs. flying in the US with excellent performance.  Many of
the problems have been in monos or with VP props.  

Jim Puglise A-283. 

Carburation affects cooling. The carb needs air going straight in evenly, a
smooth elbow into the carb doesn't work, different air velocity across the
inlet which causes different mixture in the front and rear cylinders, (I'm
thinking aloud here) could be that turbulent flow is needed. A plenum that
feds straight not curved seems to work better. A box with in and out tubes
@90deg works. Turbulence might help evaporate the fuel droplets spraying
into the inlet manifolds. Drops won't go round corners.
There's a guy in UK who worked this out, Anthony Higgins but I don't have
his contact details, (@#%$^&windoze crash :-(  Rally driver and Europa
builder. Are you there Tony?
Tony helped cure an overheating Jab 6, I spent hours on it and failed.
Which reminds me, I recommend you fit a fuel bleed back downstream of th
engine driven pump. Pump is bolted to the engine and will get hot, fuel
vaporisation is a possibility. One accident due to this suspected, not yet
proven. Fuel was Avgas.

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