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RE: Europa-List: cold starting tips 912S

Subject: RE: Europa-List: cold starting tips 912S
From: Garry Stout <>
Date: Thu, 31 Dec 2009 14:30:32
I don't know if my 914 is the same as the 912S, but I've found that a fully
charged battery is absolutely mandatory.  Fully charged is 13.2 volts and
with my 914, anything less than about 12.5 volts and the ignition won't
fire.  Try hooking up a battery trickle charger for a half hour or so, then
crank while the charger is connected and turned on.  My cold start procedure
is to turn on the electric fuel pump for about 15 seconds, then turn off.
Hold the throttle fully against its idle stop while fully engaging the
choke.  As the engine starts to fire, slowly push the choke in.  Don't touch
the throttle until the engine is running smoothly.  Hope this helps.

Garry Stout


[] On Behalf Of Richard Iddon
Sent: Thursday, December 31, 2009 2:07 PM
Subject: Europa-List: cold starting tips 912S

I have never flown much in winter before and am having difficulty getting my
912S to start in the freezing weather.  It also makes a funny noise
sometimes whilst I am trying to start it, like a ratchet.

Any tips to aid starting or ideas what the noise might be appreciated.

Happy New Year to all.

Richard Iddon. G-RIXS

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