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RE: Europa-List: Europa Cooling - Rotax 914.

Subject: RE: Europa-List: Europa Cooling - Rotax 914.
From: Mike Parkin <>
Date: Fri, 18 Dec 2009 09:07:49

        'Although you have ram air cooling for the cylinders, I don't
believe you
        'can cool the oil substantially without using the radiator. If your
        'temp doesn't increase when you have the flap closed, I suspect that
        'there is still plenty of air going through the radiator.



As I said in my original post "The door can close the duct completely"-
plainly there will be some leakage around the door, but not much.  Although
the position indicator shows the door closed, I would need a camera to
observe the door in flight to be absolutely sure.  Your point about oil
temperature is not my experience over the years I have been flying the
aircraft.  Almost always,  the oil temperature lags the CHT/water
temperature.  I have never seen the oil temperature above the water/CHT.
With the original configuration, that is with both radiators mounted
adjacent, the temperatures of cht/water/oil were usually identical.  Some
years ago, during a particularly hot summer in Switzerland, after take-off
during a slow climb following Dave Buzz, I had a lot of trouble keeping the
temperatures within limits.  The only way to rectify the situation, was to
leave the formation and fly back down the valley at a higher airspeed.
After that trip, I lowered the oil cooler to improve the overall cooling.
However, with my aircraft, flying at the higher IAS is the answer.



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