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RE: Europa-List: Another one for Ivan....

Subject: RE: Europa-List: Another one for Ivan....
From: Brian Davies <>
Date: Thu, 1 Oct 2009 09:04:58
Congratulations Richard,

Now the real fun starts!  For the records, could you let me know the first
flight airfield, the aircraft empty weight and some idea of the total build

Just too late to include in the next edition of the Europa Flyer which has
just gone to the printers.  If you have any pictures please send them to
Tony Wickens, the editor.

Best regards

Brian Davies, The Europa Club, membership sec.


[] On Behalf Of Richard Scanlan
Sent: 30 September 2009 18:52
Subject: Europa-List: Another one for Ivan....

Dear All,

Today at 12.15 Europa Mono #103 took to the skies in the very capable hands
of Nigel Charles who kindly accepted the responsibility of conducting the
test flying schedule. The initial flight lasted 20 minutes, followed by one
hour with myself in P2 and by some miracle very few problems were apparent.

If I had ever deluded myself I had built it single handed, it could not have
been with without much guidance and support from many, but in the main to
the likes of Neville who put me straight on many technical aspects as well
as signing off the plane. Without this technical support the project would
have been a lot harder. Why is this man not still working at the factory?!

Now looking forward to getting to the D.O.T.H.'s and not asking Paddy to
take his plane apart any more so I can see how he did his fuel system!

Richard Scanlan

#103 Mono

Rotax 912s 


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