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Europa-List: Tailplane Pitch tubes: EUR002 Bolts not seating

Subject: Europa-List: Tailplane Pitch tubes: EUR002 Bolts not seating
From: Greg Fuchs <>
Date: Fri, 7 Aug 2009 17:22:27

The EUR002 Bolts are to be cut to a length of 1.5" measured from under the
head, and then installed into the CS17A end fittings on either side of the
main pitch push-rod. They are to be threaded in from the cupped side, after
fitting Loctite. 

The problem I am having is that they don't seat onto the flat surface of the
cupped side. The threads bottom out just before the head seats, leaving a
gap of about 1.7mm, or about 1/16 (inch).

Has anyone had this happen, or has everyone had this happen? 

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