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RE: Europa-List: oil leak

Subject: RE: Europa-List: oil leak
From: Robert C Harrison <>
Date: Tue, 19 May 2009 05:22:48

Hi! Paul
Did you "burp" the oil tank by propping the engine prior to start up to
pull oil out of the sump?
Sounds like oil through the turbo seal which I understand is ceramic and
probably needs to get well up to temperature at least once to make it
good? However a leaking turbo seal could pass oil up to the airbox as
well as to the air filter.
The oil in the drain also sounds like some leak past a valve guide. I
just had that on start up after a long period standing.
I take it that the "Ps" and "Ts" were all good ?
Have you purged air locks from the oil system as per the Rotax
Sounds like you need some qualified advice IMHO.
Bob Harrison G-PTAG  

-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of
Sent: 18 May 2009 21:42
Subject: Europa-List: oil leak

we have just run the engine up (914) for the third time. After about 5
min there
was oil dripping from the right hand airbox drain and the air filter is
in oil. There is no apparent leak from anywhere else. The oil tank has
been over filled. The engine does not appear to be burning oil. It
appears that
it has been drawn up into the airbox from the turbo - but why the air
soaked in oil? The first couple of engine runs (couple of months ago)
there was
no evidence of oil leaking anywhere. Any thoughts?



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