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Europa-List: Europa XS Mono kit A191 for sale..........More details

Subject: Europa-List: Europa XS Mono kit A191 for sale..........More details
From: Europa List <>
Date: Wed, 25 Mar 2009 17:43:51
Due to finantial pressures, I have decided to sell my Europa XS 
mono-wheel kit A191. It would include a Rotax 914 firewall forward kit 
and TruTrak 2 1/4" pictorial pilot with servo installed in the airframe. 
Chapters 1 thru 22 and 26 thru 29 are completed with a few action items 
noted in my build log. These are items that need to be done after the 
top is on. There are a few small items left to do before bonding the 
top, unless you like working in uncomfortable positions. All mandatory 
mods are complete except Mod 73.

 Also available are a GRT dual screen EFIS with GPS, Garmin SL-30 
Nav/Com, Garmin GTX-327 transponder, PMA 800B audio panel, Ak450 
emergency locator and aluminum insrument panel blanks. I have not wired 
any of these, but the EFIS comes with a wiring harness.

In addition, I have a ULPower UL260i engine. If you're interested, I can 
reply with more details on this forum or privately, by phone or email.

I would like to get near the cost of my materials from the sale. I have 
receipts for all materials and we can talk about how close I can get to 
those numbers. None of my labor or interest charges will be applied to 
the cost.

I am located in Bristol, Virginia

Vaughn Teegarden

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