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Europa-List: Broken outrigger leg

Subject: Europa-List: Broken outrigger leg
From: Richard Lamprey <>
Date: Tue, 28 Oct 2008 10:43:02
Dear all, 
I had my starboard outrigger leg snap off on landing, about a year ago.  
This was at Nairobi (Kenya) Wilson airport, where the plane is based, 
and coming in from a 3 hour flight.  On touchdown, I realised a problem 
as the wing went down, and opened up the throttle, took off again.  Then 
called the tower, did a low pass, the engineer confirmed that the 'leg 
was not there';  the following landing aircraft reported 'debris on the 
runway... my outrigger!'.  After circling a bit, the engineer lined up 
about 15 people along the runway to catch the wing on landing.  On 
landing, all these guys ran very fast to catch it, but actually the 
plane stayed level, as the C of G (with me in pilots seat, no pax) was 
within the triangle of the maingear, tailwheel and left hand outrigger.  
Inspection showed the starboard outrigger had snapped off right at the 
holder, or whatever its is called.  I now inspect the outrigger legs at 
this point, as part of pre-flight.

Best to all and happy flying.

Europa classic 5Y-LRY, Nairobi,  Rotax 912, warpdrive.

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