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Europa-List: Motor Glider

Subject: Europa-List: Motor Glider
From: Graham Singleton <>
Date: Mon, 30 Jun 2008 23:40:46
Lyle Schofield in Lancaster/ Palmdale, CA has nearly finished his 
motorglider and needs a bit of help checking out the airplane before 
submitting  it to the FAA for inspection. Are there any builders in 
Southern California who could give him a hand?
Familiarity with the motor glider would be an advantage but imho any 
Europa builder would be able to help him finish the minor adjustments 
Lyle is an interesting guy, he was a flight test engineer on several 
outstanding aircraft, B58, XB70 and others. I had an interesting morning 
with him a week ago after I went to Burt and Dick's birthday event at 
I'd love to go soaring in the CA mountains, pity its so far from 
Derbyshire :-\

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