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Re: Europa-List: Epoxy Measuring - Balances vs Digital Scale vs Ratio

Subject: Re: Europa-List: Epoxy Measuring - Balances vs Digital Scale vs Ratio
From: Keith Hickling <>
Date: Fri, 1 Feb 2008 12:17:58

Ira wrote:
A scale that gives you 0.5% is way better than necessary since 5% is 
probably just fine.

Favid Miller wrote:
 the Aeropoxy reps at Oshkosh, they were  clearly amused by anyone bothering 
to measure to the nearest tenth of a gram -  off the record  they indicated 
that the tolerance levels for a proper cure are quite high.

I don't know who is correct, but Martin Armstrong, technical director of SP 
Systems (Ampreg) told me, as stated in the data sheets, that 2% is the 
maximum permissable error in mixing resin and hardener - any greater error 
results in measurable and significant reductions in strength. He was very 
concerned that some people get a bit "gung ho" about it. And 2% is only 0.1 
gram of hardener in a 5g / 20 g  mix. And a similar error in the opposite 
direction neasuring the resin would result in a 4% total error.

Keith Hickling,
New Zealand.

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